Rabu, 13 Januari 2010

Time Out

It's been snowing here pretty much constantly for 3 weeks. Everything you can imagine has been cancelled. School, Christmas parties, even churches. You know the roads are bad when people start cancelling church. As a result everyone is going stir crazy from being cooped up. I figure if you are going to be trapped in the house you may as well pamper yourself. Since I'm a cheap skate I have a little book of home recipes I use and my nieces love spa day. You can keep their asses busy for at least 4 hours and 12 minutes. Just saying...cause I know.

First, a tropical hair mask. Mix half a cup of coconut oil and half a cup of olive oil in a spray bottle. Squirt onto wet locks, pile hair in a bun. Rinse after 30 minutes.
Do yours first, then while the kids have a go, you can sneak and look at fingerporn.

Okay get back in there before they start fighting.
Next, a facial.
This has a cooling effect and is very soothing. It is also particularly good for sensitive, dry, or irritated skin. 1 tbsp. of plain full-fat yogurt mixed with a drizzle of honey. Massage into skin and rinse with warm water.

Then you can do each others nails, if you are so inclined, or be like me and get them to do yours and then pretend your asleep. Just a warning, if you let a kindergartener paint your toes, it will look like a kindergartener painted your toes.

Now it's time for the body scrub. You will need: a lime, 1/4 c. of brown sugar, 1/2 c. of olive oil and a shot of rum. Slam back the shot and then mix the olive oil and brown sugar with the juice of half the lime. Use the other half of the lime to rub mix on skin in a circular motion. The girls especially liked this part and I especially liked the shot of rum.
This will keep them busy for a good while. Ssshhh! While their gone you can be getting eyefucked.

Last, you can make lip gloss with that pre-sweetened cool-aid and vaseline. Yeah, this solidified my status as rock star auntie. And after all this you are totally justified in dropping them in the bed, having another shot of that rum and tongueporn.

Now put them to bed and go read fanfic.
Don't you love when a plan comes together?

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