Senin, 26 April 2010

120 Reasons to Love Him

I'm doing a collab post this week. I have enlisted 11 lovely little helpers who have each listed 10 reasons they love Rob. I will post 30 a night beginning tonight and ending Thursday equaling 120. On Friday we will have a special "120 Days of Love" PicSpam which consequently is the 120th day of the year.


1. I admit, as shallow as it sounds, the first thing that drew me to Rob is the way he looks. I could not have built a more perfect man. In fact, I had no idea such a thing existed. His hair,  his eyes, his cheekbones, his lips, his jaw, his chest, his broad shoulders, his long legs. He is proof of the existence of God. Clearly He called in a favor from Michaelangelo in the making of this man.

2. Ultimately it was his voice that lead me to where I am today. Whether he is speaking, laughing, or singing, his voice sends shivers down my spine. I crave hearing him. He sounds like an angel and the devil all in one religious experience.

3. My biggest turn on is a man with a great sense-of-humor that is also able to laugh at himself. It is easy to imagine a man like this man helping you through the rough spots in life and not taking anything too serious. Someone that would be fun to hang out with no matter what we were doing.

4. He never leaves his socks on the floor for me to pick up. As a matter of fact, Rob never asks me for anything and doesn't expect anything from me. He is the only person in my life that doesn't make demands of me.

5. I love that he's unpredictable. He's the wild card. You never know what you'll get from him. Silly, sexy, intelligent. I can never wait to hear what he will say next.

6. I love that he has a good heart. Sensitive, kind, and generous.

7. I love that he's unpretentious and never tries to be something he isn't. He wears the same clothes he's worn for years and will talk about it on national television. He smokes and drinks and says fuck. He's a real man and I'm betting he could treat me like a real woman. *wink*

8. I love that no matter how shitty my day has been when I see him smile; I smile back, his voice relaxes me, and the knowledge of his existence gives me hope.

9. I love that everything he does is done with forethought and passion. He chooses roles he believes in rather than the money or exposure they will gain. I love that his music is soul bearing, that everything he feels, he feels strongly and is still able to go with the flow and be lighthearted.

10. I love grey boxer briefs.


Okay Top 10 Reasons I love Rob - keep in mind I am happy to be writing this after Remember Me because I used to be a Robward fan and now I am officially a Rob & an Edward fan separately!

10) I love Rob and hate him for making smoking look sexy. If anyone could cause me to give up my anti-smoking campaign on my patients it would be him. No one else in the world should be given the chance to look that sexy whilst killing themselves slowly.

9) I love Rob for putting adorkable into my daily vocabulary.

8) I love Rob for bringing back music into my life. Thank you Rob for helping me remember that my piano is there for me and not just the kids and for inspiring me to learn a new instrument in my 30's (although I can't play that guitar worth the life of me but I dream that he is watching me somewhere smiling when I'm holding it).

7) I love Rob for reinforcing that quirky British humour can be a total turn-on. Even if spunk ransom and being allergic to vaginas makes no sense unless you know the punch line.

6) I love Rob for inspiring a Ken doll that I finally want to take to bed with me. 

5) I love Rob because his smile makes me want to blush and turn away giggling.

4) I love Rob because his sex stare makes me want to unzip his pants and drop to my knees.

3) I love Rob for making the homeless look chic again.

2) I love Rob because he loves cupcakes (and I swear I was twilightcupcake before his cupcake love came out).

1) I love Rob for making it sexy to be yourself - even if it is a bumbling British guy who can't drive, play a sport except darts, or dress himself properly. 

Tongue Twied

10. I love the possibility of the future roles he will play in film, tv, stage. I want him to have a long career and I want to be cheering him on the whole way!

 9.  I love that jawline, those eyes, the sex-hair, tight neck, long fingers--let's just say all of his physical "ass"ets!

 8.  I love how nice he always is to the fans. (proved by Kelly's story at My DicomRobulation!)

 7.  I love Rob's enthusiasm toward Twilight and how he has embraced and vocally paid tribute to Stephenie Meyer's characterization of Edward

 6.  I love Rob's combined musical talents of singing, playing piano, playing guitar, and playing the harmonica, as seen in How to Be)

 5.  I love Rob's sense of humor and ability to completely poke fun at himself. He's a funny honey!

 4. I love how Rob has even won over my Mom who previously kept questioning why I had a crush on such a young guy and was slightly worried for my marriage because of the excitement I had talking about him. But he's gotten to her now, too! lol

 3. I love how he interacts with his family when they have been part of his interviews.

 2. I love how he has grown in interviews from adorkable to mature and insightful.

1 . I love how Rob is this magical crush and has become a daily presence in my life.

Thank you to Tongue Twied and TwilightCupcake for helping tonight. Go check out their blogs and see the wonderful things they have going on.

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