Senin, 15 Maret 2010


The dictionary describes obsessive as "the domination of one's thoughts or feelings by a persistent idea, image, desire, etc."
I have devised a checklist you can use to test the level of your Robsession.


Do you collect every scrap of memorabilia possible.
You can recite the words to every song he sings.
You can't remember what color your walls are because of the posters covering them.
You recruit fans daily.
You start a blog with his name in the title.
You start each morning by viewing pics because you woke missing him.
The success of your day depends on how much time you spent on the internet with him.
You skip meals in an attempt to stay with him.
You can totally make it through the day on only 3 hours of sleep.
Can't read, not even a menu, with seeing something that reminds you of him.
You only watch TV if he's on it.
Loses a 2-week paycheck in one evening at the magazine stand.
You own a full British Airways pilot’s uniform and pilot’s ID card.
If any of your login passwords is sparkle peen.
You have it all worked out in your head how you meet him...and what you'll do to him.


If you answered yes to 1-5 you are likely new and can't understand the compelling motivation to see and hear him. The onset of "tunnel vision" has just begun.
If you answered yes to 5-10 controlling behaviors have begun to manifest. You now employ an extreme arsenal of tactics to surround yourself with the illusion of his presence.
If you answered yes to 10-15 welcome to my world. You are full on obsessed. You have no shame and live in Rob bubble. The possibility of flying half way round the world to drive by his house is now a booked trip.

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