Selasa, 30 Maret 2010

I Know

I know that happiness is hard to find.
I know because I've searched.

I know that good times are hard to come by.
I know because I've looked.

I know that life isn't always easy.
I know because I've seen.

I know that sometimes you just can't win.
I know because I've lost.

I know that being right isn't always worth it.
I know that wronging others never is.

I know that some days the sun just won't shine.
I know that some days the rain is preferred.

I know that sometimes your closest friend can become an enemy.
I know that an enemy could become your closest friend.

I know that the clock and the calendar never stop turning.
I know that trouble and heartache never stop returning.

I know that forever is a myth.
I know that one must choose to believe.

I know that time doesn't heal.
I know that what doesn't kill us makes us stronger.

I know that some decisions are difficult to make.
I know that you don't always get a choice.

I know that words can hurt as much as sticks.
I know that everyone lives in a glass house with a black kettle.

I know that some dreams are not tangible.
I know that some nightmares are real.

I know that some nights the past catches up.
I know that demons live inside our minds.

I know that when I feel weak the memories will come.
I know this even though I want to forget.

I know that I don't live in that house anymore.
I know that those people can't hurt me anymore with words or sticks.

I know that if I picture your face, I can forget theirs.
I know that if I listen for your voice, I can forget theirs.

I know that at these times it is you whom allows me to exhale.
I know that I will forever be grateful to you for it.

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