Senin, 27 Juni 2011


I have long suspected that Chris Huhne was a twat, but now he's gone and opened his mouth and proved it!

Huhne has announced that this country will dramatically speed up it's carbon reduction measures and will halve greenhouse gases by 2025, ultimately cutting our emissions by 60% by 2030.

Well, Chris, this is bollocks, isn't it? Even members of your own party don't agree with you. Vince Cable has warned that your unachievable plans will damage business and make us uncompetitive. But Huhne isn't listening. He says that Britain is leading the way and showing the world how things should be done!

Trouble is, that the world isn't watching. The UK is no longer a world power and it's time we woke up to the fact that no-one out there gives a shit what we are doing any more.

The Employers Federation says these measures will drive businesses abroad. Analysts say we will have to produce 97% of our electricity from non carbon sources. It's simply not achievable. Even if it were, then in the great scheme of things, it would make no difference.

To put all this in perspective, whilst we are agonising over whether to build another runway at Heathrow, the Chinese are building SEVENTY new international airports.

It's all a load of old ecoCrap...

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