Selasa, 30 November 2010

93 Men in a Boat (3) : The Superior Bastard

I first came across this type in the last bastion of British colonialism, Barbados.

There, the rich white Englishman feels free to exercise his undying belief that the slave trade is indeed alive and well and that he therefore has the God given white to abuse the wogs in any way he chooses. I hate these fuckers with passion!

Of course, when this type is cross pollinated with the miserable fucker (see previous post), then they really are something to behold...

The staff on our boat were extremely polite and exceptionally helpful and I really did feel unable to tolerate them taking abuse and not being in a position to answer back. Because of this, I feel honour bound to offer them my modest support and assistance whenever it becomes appropriate.

When this happens, Mrs D usually finds it necessary to retire either to our room or to the bar, depending on the circumstances and her mood at the time.

Unfortunately, on this occasion we were on an outing. The nasty little turd in question proceeded to attack one of the expedition crew for removing an empty cup before he had finished with it. Needless to say, he got both barrels from me on that one.

These people seem to suffer from a total and absolute lack of any obligation to display manners. I had the audacity to stand alongside one of these pigs one evening while a slide show was being displayed. Whilst minding my own business, he whacked me on the arm and yelled "Move! My wife can't see!"

Rather taken aback, I simply replied "And what's the magic word?" He glared at me and made no response, so assuming he was either deaf, stupid or both I inserted my face 6 inches from his nose and asked, rather loudly, "Did you mean to say would you mind moving aside please, you fucking ignorant ill mannered cunt?"

But the thing that always amuses me the most about the genus 'bastardus superiorii' is that I never seem to re-encounter these people in business class on the way home...

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