Minggu, 04 April 2010

IPSA : Idiot Population Swallows Anything

Now I have been known in the past to be a little gullible - "Surely not!", I hear you all cry - but the machinations at IPSA really sent me reaching for the wine bottle...

So we are going to clean up MPs expenses are we? Well, maybe. But can someone explain to me why, since the publication of this report last week, not one of the major party leaders has said that his party will unreservedly adopt the suggestions of this 'independent' body?

Already IPSA has allowed it's recommendations to be watered down by political pressure - a prime example being it's stance on the employment of family members from zero to one.

Now we hear that the implementation of this report will be delayed until the next parliament. Well, how convenient. Let's get the votes in first, before we doctor it or chuck it out altogether!

Let's have at least one political leader stand up and be counted. If this body really is 'independent' then at least let someone have the integrity to say "As the next Prime Minister, I will implement these recommendations in full" and put an end to this faffing about...

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