Kamis, 29 April 2010

120 Reasons: Donna, Twired, Mrs. P

This week we are working on 120 reasons to love Rob.


1. His kindness. First and foremost. He is so kind with fans. He always seems willing to oblige a fan's request for a photo and/or an autograph.

2. He strives to help others. Not just with the earthquake victims in Haiti, or those AMFAR kisses, but also with WWE... one of my most favorite charities. (the other would be make a wish.) He is always so giving of himself for the greater good of world kind.

3. The man possesses the quirkiest sense of humor ever. Any time he jokes around, I melt. I adore that he doesn't go for a direct hit with a joke. Sometimes you have to think and wonder about it before you get it.

4. Those deep blue eyes. They just put me under a spell everytime. They are the windows to his soul, as you can tell by looking into them whether or not he is happy.

5. His smiles are highly contagious! It's something I love to catch from him. How could you see him smiling with his shining, bright, smile and not feel the need to return it?

6. He is multi-talented. (Not in the porn way, but I am sure that applies, too.) He does wonderful with acting. He has a soulful singing voice that I could listen to all day. He can play many instruments. I am amazed with all of his talents. I wish he had more opportunity to share them all.

 7. His shyness keeps him grounded and real. I think if he were the outgoing type, he would be uber conceited with all of the attention that he's getting.

8. His laughs. From that adorable "I just told the funniest joke ever" deep laugh to the "I am feeling myself blush" light chuckle, they are the best laughs ever. Like his smiles, they are highly contagious.

9. I love that Rob knows what he wants. It seems that (especially lately) he will keep doing whatever he has his mind set to doing -- from giving autographs when the manager is wisking him away to knowing what he wants to do career wise. He has a great, smart head on his shoulders and actually uses it.

10. Lastly, I am going to go shallow with it. I LOVE when Rob runs his fingers through his hair. He kills me when he does it because he's nervous. I so want to be his hand just running through, what I am sure is, thick luxurious hair. LOVE THAT!


1. He epitomizes Vampire sexyness. I can't think of anyone else who could have played Edward Cullen better. But then again I already knew RPattz was playing him when I read Twi for the first time...so he was the only one I could visualize.

2. His accent. Nothing like a hot man with a British accent.

3. His height. Nothing like a hot tall man to get the hormones racing.

4. His fingers...there is something very SEXUAL about those digits...

5. His jaw. It's the most perfectly angled jaw I think I have ever seen.

6. His smile/lips. It melts hearts and sets panties afire!

7. I love how Rob smells....err, how I imagine him to smell. I think it would be like Tide detergent & a slight hint of aftershave...something clean & fresh. I doubt he's the heavy cologne wearing type. Just my guess though...

8. How he can go from silly to smoking hot in 2 second flat.

9. His serious GQ look. It's the pic that really did me in.

10. His personality. He seems to be such a genuinely "good-guy." Sometimes I feel bad for him...that this whole Twilight phenomenon has sky rocketed his popularity to the point of seriously sacrificing his privacy. (sniff)

Mrs. P

1) When he answers questions, there are more giggles than words in his answers.
2) He can laugh at himself but never laughs at anyone else.

3) He looks incredible in a suit.

4) He has the most amazing eyes I have ever seen.
5) He is an accidental flirt.

6) He is one of a kind...and I can't find another one like him anywhere.

7) His English accent makes me insane (in a good way).
8) He lost his car (which makes him ridiculously careless) but also carefree.
9) He seems so down to earth and approachable, but yet unattainable.

10) He is currently the most beautiful man on the planet.

Thank you very much ladies for all your wonderful reasons. 
Remember, tomorrow night will be a very "loving" PicSpam.

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