Senin, 08 September 2008


Russell Brand

British comic and last nights host of the MTV Video Music Awards Russell Brand, was forced to apologize for making fun at the Jonas Brothers' morals during last nights awards.Russell made fun of the teen pop sensations mercilessly for more than half of the show for their no-sex-before-marriage promise and the purity rings they wear. At one point, he even pretended he'd stolen a Jonas brothers' virginity as he held a ring in his hand. Sparks, who is among the teen stars putting purity before sex, admonished Brand for his remarks, stating, "It's not bad to wear a promise ring because not everybody, guy or girl, wants to be a slut."Minutes later, a Brand apologized, saying, "I've gotta say sorry because I said those things about promise rings; that was bad of me. I didn't mean to take it lightly."Brand added, "I love Jonas Brothers, I think it's really good. I don't want to piss off teenage fans. ... Promise rings, I'm well up for it, well done everyone."But he couldn't resist a final jab, adding, "It's just, a bit of sex occasionally never hurt anybody."Paris Hilton also spoke out on behalf of the pop trio, insisting she totally supports the brothers' decision not to have sex before marriage. She tells, "Don't pick on them. That's something cool for a kid to keep, so don't pick on them for that."I think that they're all really good kids and that they're definitely our next generation of kids and they're all really good so I think that's awesome."

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