Rabu, 03 September 2008


Heath Ledger

Dead Hollywood star Heath Ledger's portrayal of the Joker in Batman, has been named the summer’s best movie villain. The actor, who died of an accidental overdose of prescription drugs in January in New York City, won 95 per cent of the votes in a poll conducted by Moviefone.com, easily beating off competition from Cate Blanchett’s villainous Indiana Jones soviet agent foe.The Aussie actress’ Irina Spalko came in second with two per cent of the vote. Iron Man’s nemesis Jeff Bridges tied with The Incredible Hulk actor Tim Roth and The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor star Jet Li for third place, with one per cent each. The end-of-summer Moviefone.com poll was another big winner for The Dark Knight, which has made a total of $502.4 million in the United States.

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