Minggu, 24 Januari 2010

One Shot Recc's

Boredom In Biology by whitereflections12 - Set several years post-Breaking Dawn. After you've been through high school several times, biology starts to get really, really boring. And you start looking for other ways to spend the time... Rated M

Telling The Truth by itsjustme1217 - Edward and Bella have been friends for a long time. Although Bella's feelings have evolved into more she is afraid to tell Edward. When Bella has some liquid courage causing a non-existent brain filter, what will Edward do? Rated M cause that's the only way my brain functions.

No Such Thing As Plenty Of Time by whitereflections12 - Dominate Edward, IC, set during Breaking Dawn. Bella is focused on training, becoming the best fighter she can. Edward knows that with what's coming, there very few things that matter. And that isn't one of them. Rated M

Lockersecks and Candy by Kassiah - Bella and Edward have been apart for 6 days and are eager to be together, even that means against the lockers in the hallway during lunch. Rated M

Bookworms by kimpy0464 - Bella Swan is a quiet, reserved writer whose Saturday routine includes her favorite coffee, reading in the bookstore, and watching Edward Cullen. Over the tops of their books, they trade furtive glances, until Bella decides to risk it all and introduce herself. Rated M for Ang.

Just For You by itsjustme1217 - Bella is tired of waiting on Edward to make the first move. AH Rated M

Undercover by edwardisobel - Edward survives the Spanish Influenza and is recruited by an organisation for whom he works undercover. He falls for the niece of the most notorious Chicago gangster in history. The same man he is working to take down.

Virtual Intimacy by theladyingrey42 - Bella is too shy to approach the pierced, tatted boy at the back of the lecture hall. But when she begins chatting with a classmate with an unusual screen-name, she lets a bolder side of her personality through.

Flavors of Love and Loss by theladyingrey42 - When tragedy struck their lives, Edward pulled away from Bella and fell into a bottle. Alone now, he relives their love through his photos and his memories of the food she made. But can he forgive himself and learn to live again?

My Beautiful Boy by Snow.and.Roses.24. - Bella Swan's best friend, geeky Edward Cullen comes to her one night, broken and so close to giving up that he's gone to desperate and heartbreaking measures to try to find a way out. Can she fix him?

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