Kamis, 04 September 2008


Susan Sarandon

Hollywood star Susan Sarandon is launching a scathing attack on former presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton, branding her a "whiner" for allegedly blaming sexism for her failure to land the Democratic nomination for President. Susan has vowed never to play Clinton in a film, insisting she doesn't have enough respect for the politician, who was the first woman to run for the presidency but lost to rival Barack Obama earlier this year. When asked if she would ever like to portray Clinton, she tells The Advocate, "No. ... At this point, to say after what's happened to her campaign and how they squandered all that money and all the different reasons her campaign fell apart, to blame it on sexism, I find so destructive to every young girl who dreams about making a difference through government."Instead of saying, 'Look how far I've gotten and you can do it too,' and all the positive things she could have done, she's turned into such a blamer and whiner, as if that was the reason, when clearly she wouldn't have been in the position she was in if she hadn't been a woman."To now turn around and say it was sexism I find so dishonorable and really destructive to women all over, young women all over. So I don't really respect her enough to want to play her, and I find it sad and disappointing."

Photo By: RD/Leon/Retna

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