Rabu, 27 Juli 2011

FFS Pickles! Get a grip...

Eric Pickles would seem to be in desperate need of a little divine inspiration judging from the above picture!

Earlier this month, we were blessed with the news that Suffolk County Council's completely useless Chief Executive had finally been kicked out - albeit with a £220,000 golden goodbye. What was Pickles comment? "The new appointee's salary needs to be more in tune with the times".

So what does that mean? Well according to sources in Suffolk this week, that actually means that the cash strapped authority will be looking to pay around £160,000 per annum which is still more than the £142,000 David Cameron gets for running the entire country!

Andrea Hill has now been on garden leave or plain simply gone for some ten weeks and apparently the appointment of a new chief executive is likely to take several months. During this time, the budget setting process for next year will be under way.

Perhaps the Council should be asking itself exactly who has been running the council since Mrs Hill's suspension? It seems to me to have been running quite satisfactorily - indeed, some sources inside the council say it has been running better - so exactly why do they need to replace her at all. It seems to me that the position has been operationally proven to be redundant.

Coming back to Pickles, one has to ask what sort of authority and grip on reality this man has to allow this fiasco to run on and on? Grow a pair, Eric, and get some legislation on the books that allows the salaries of these fat cat piss takers to be pegged at a sensible level. Why are you allowing this obscene abuse of ratepayers money to roll on and on!

And at the end of the day , why the hell are Suffolk proposing to offer the job at around £160,000 per annum. There are no end of competent managers out there who would be more than willing and able to do the job for half of that...

...and in the meantime, this week they have appointed a temporary manager for 6 months - at £150,000 a year! FFS!

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