Senin, 03 Mei 2010

The "I" word - too hot to handle?

I've written recently about the broken society and am mindful of the recent 'bigotgate' affair. So at the risk of being labelled a bigot, let's talk about immigration....

An appalling example can be found in Leicester where my family originates from. My cousin was born there and has lived there for over 60 years. When I met him recently I was appalled to find that his attitudes on immigration could be described as somewhere to the right of Hitler! I was intrigued to find out why. He explained to me that the massive influx of immigration has completely destroyed the town that he loves. Frankly, you only have to visit Leicester to see what he's talking about.

Now don't get me wrong, I'm not a racist and I have nothing against immigrants. In fact some of the most appalling people I have met are white Anglo-Saxons and one of the most charming people I've ever met is the Asian who runs my local paper shop. But what has happened here is clear to see. The immigrant influx has completely taken over the town to the exclusion of all other cultures. There is absolutely no attempt at integration, and naturally the indigenous population resents this.

There are further examples of influx immigration here in Prescottville. On the north side of our town is a housing development of 1200 houses and still growing. These are not foreigners, but the locals who have lived here forever resent the new residents. There used to be a joke in the West Country that if you hadn't lived in a village for 40 years, you weren't accepted as a local.

In Prescottville, the view is that the newcomers push up house prices so that locals can't afford to live in the town where they were born. Presumably, if they were black or asian then they would be complaining that house prices were being pushed down. You can't win. We have lots of Polish workers here and the locals complain that they have they own newspapers and shops. Scandalous!!

But this is not a one-way street. I understand that British emigration has created similar problems in the areas of northern France and Spain. No attempt is made to learn the local language or fit in with the local people. Clearly this is a recipe for conflict and disaster.

The answer is simple. Firsty, this country cannot have an open door policy. There is no room. The country is full to overflowing. Secondly, immigrants - both macro and micro - must make an effort to fit in, not set up their own communities to swamp the indigenous.

Learn the language, dress the dress, shop in local shops. Make an effort to fit in and you might just find that people accept you. You came to live in England. You are welcome here, but don't try to convert our country into yours.

This is a lesson that perhaps could also be applied to British and American foreign policy?

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